'We got it wrong!' Chris Packham apologises for Springwatch error as BBC show criticised


    “They’ve also got groups of pigs shuffling around, turning over the soil, breaking that open and woodlarks love bare soil for foraging. And they’ve also got a herd of Exmoor ponies out here as well. 

    “Now all of these animals are herbivores, they’re all doing different things to that environment, they’re modifying it that is natural. 

    “And at this point in time, not forever, it is perfect for these woodlarks,” he added. 

    “While we’re on these domestic animals, we have to acknowledge a little mistake that we made last week. 

    Published at Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:14:00 +0000

    'We got it wrong!' Chris Packham apologises for Springwatch error as BBC show criticised


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