Thor Love and Thunder: Natalie Portman ‘SPOILS’ Lady Thor plot


Thor Love and Thunder: Natalie Portman ‘SPOILS’ Lady Thor plot

Thor Love and Thunder is due to be the fourth film starring the God of Thunder in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Following the hilarious Thor: Ragnarok, Love and Thunder was announced last year by director Taika Waititi – during which he also announced something surprising about the film.

At the unveiling of the film’s logo and title at 2019’s San Diego Comic Con, Waititi welcomed Natalie Portman to the stage.

Portman, who plays Thor’s love interest Jane Foster, was last seen in the franchise in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World.

After this, Jane Foster was casually mentioned by Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston) during Ragnarok, where he joked Jane had broken up with Thor.

Her appearance at Comic Con was then made even more surprising when Waititi ceremoniously gave Portman Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir – revealing to fans that Lady Thor would be the focus of Thor Love and Thunder.

At the time, Waititi told Hall H: “For us there’s only one person who can play that role. Only one… Natalie Portman!”

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Lady Thor has been ripped straight from the Marvel comic books, where Foster inherits the power of the God of Thunder to become a force for good

Now, Portman has spoken out about the plot of the film, and in-turn given away a huge spoiler as to what it might focus on.

In a recent interview with Yahoo! Portman began: “I can’t tell you that much. I’m really excited.

“I’m starting to train, to get muscles. If there can be all these female superheroes, the more of them they are, the better it is.”

Going on to give details about the plot she explained: “I’m trying to think – it’s based on the graphic novel of The Mighty Thor.

“She’s going through cancer treatment and is a superhero on the side.

“It’s just very rare that these kinds of big entertainment films look at more serious, real-life issues.

“I really don’t know anything about it. I haven’t seen anything, but I’ve heard the same rumours as you have, and it’s exciting to think about.”

So Love and Thunder could find its basis in the Might Thor comic created by Jason Aaron, in which Thor has become unworthy.

Foster picks up Mjolnir and gains all the powers – however, Portman’s character is battling cancer at the time.

But every time she becomes Lady Thor, she loses all the benefits of her treatment and is slowly killing herself whenever she wields the hammer.

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If this is the plot Waititi will be using, fans will certainly see a far more serious film in contrast to the recent comedic and light movies.

The director has also teased the film is filled with “romance” – so perhaps viewers will see more tender moments between Thor and Jane?

On the upcoming film the director said: “I think it’s going really good. We’ve been writing the script off and on for over a year and…actually, this week, doing another pass on it.”

“I want to make something that I’ve never done or never cared for. I would like to attack something like that.”

Earlier this year Thor star Chris Hemsworth was questioned about whether Love and Thunder would be his final outing as the mightiest Avenger.

On hanging up his hammer, Hemsworth said: “Are you crazy? I’m not going into any retirement period.

“Thor is far too young for that. He’s only 1,500 years old. It’s definitely not a film that I say goodbye to this brand. At least I hope so.”

Thor Love and Thunder is due for release on February 18, 2022.

Published at Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:44:03 +0000


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