The Benefits of Insurance Benefit Verification Automation

Insurance Benefit Verification Automation

Putting a claim into a health insurance carrier can be a difficult and intricate process for healthcare providers. Whether you capture the information on a piece of paper, in a digital system, or by using OCR, traditional and older systems usually don’t give the most seamless experience when capturing insurance information. So how can we solve this problem and simplify the claim process?

The best method is an automated insurance capture system. You can choose to build your own, which offers customizability and proprietary technology specific to your business. Unfortunately, this method is incredibly resource-intensive, taking both large amounts of capital to develop as well as run over time. On top of that, this method takes a long time to develop systems, ranging from months all the way to years. Finally, once the system is finally in use, you need an IT team to maintain, upgrade, and operate the system, which is even more capital.

On the other hand, you can partner with an insurance card capture company and use their system. This loses some of the customizability, but also severely cuts the costs needed for a capture system. On top of that, you no longer need the IT team, as the vendor provides you with a dedicated IT team for the system. The main expenses are the API subscriptions and transactions, which is significantly cheaper. Fortunately, Orbit gives you the best of both worlds. With a lightning-quick AI-enabled insurance capture system, you are not only able to capture insurance information, but you can also accept it in a number of formats.

On top of that, the automation to validate, verify, and map payer and plan information in real time with a 98.5% identification rate. Between the elimination of human error and the time saved, Orbit provides benefits to anyone who uses their systems. Learn more about insurance benefit verification automation below:

Build vs Buy - Orbit Healthcare - Insurance Benefit Verification Automation
Source: Orbit Healthcare