‘The Bachelorette’ alum Josh Seiter talks about the need for a trans woman to lead a TV franchise

'The Bachelorette' alum Josh Seiter
'The Bachelorette' alum Josh Seiter. Photo Courtesy of Josh Seiter.

“The Bachelorette” alum and social influencer Josh Seiter chatted about her transitioning journey, and the need for a trans woman to lead a television franchise. Seiter now goes by the pronouns she and her.

She claims that she is “feeling content now” because she is “living her true self.”

“My transition hasn’t been easy and I’ve been met with a lot of online hate, mostly from trolls,” Seiter said. “However, I am happy to finally be living my truth and am very grateful to everyone in my corner. I’ve received a number of death threats but I don’t let it bother me. I understand that being in the spotlight brings negative attention. I’m used to it.” 

“I think having a trans woman as lead for ‘The Bachelorette’ would do so much for young people struggling with their gender identity,” Seiter said. “We need to start normalizing trans individuals and the best way to do that is to share their stories on television. Usually marginalized groups feel invisible and unseen because we don’t see ourselves represented in media and television. We need to change that,” she underscored. 

Regarding the silver lining of her transition, she said, “The silver lining in my transition is I’ve discovered who my real friends are and who truly cares about me.”

“The process has weeded out a lot of toxic people,” she noted. “Another silver lining is I just get to be the real me! How cool is that?”

Seiter shared that her mental health has been going well, and that she is in good spirits. “My mental health has been amazing,” she exclaimed. “My gender identity is something I struggled with for a very long time and it contributed to so much angst and pain. Now that I’m living my life as a woman I’m anxiety-free. However it’s something I still want to raise awareness about to others that are still struggling. Mental health is something we need to start prioritizing,” she elaborated.

Regarding her future plans, she shared, “My plans for the future are to keep sharing my journey with others and being open and honest about my struggles to my 1,000,000 followers and the tens of millions of people who visit my Instagram every week.” 

For people that are struggling with their sexuality or their true gender identity, Seiter stated, “My advice to other people struggling with their identity is to find someone you trust that you can come out to.”

“Have an open mind, listen to others that have gone before you, and don’t condition your self worth on what others think about you. Learn to love yourself unconditionally,” Seiter added. 

For her dedicated fans and supporters, she said, “To my fans, I want to say thank you for always supporting me and standing by my side!”

To learn more about Josh Seiter, follow on Instagram.