Star Wars 10: Kathleen Kennedy ‘LOOKING AT’ The Old Republic era for new films


Star Wars 10: Kathleen Kennedy ‘LOOKING AT’ The Old Republic era for new films

The Old Republic is the period of time before even Episode I. The stories tell of a bygone era of democracy led by the Jedi, rather than alongside them.

Now, Kathleen Kennedy, President of Lucasfilm, has spoken out about the future of Star Wars, and given some teases into what is going to come next.

On “stepping back” from the series and making a calculated decision on where it goes next, Kennedy explained: “It’s an ever-evolving process.

“You know, when I personally came into this, George [Lucas] had already been having conversations with his previous actors, Carrie [Fisher] and Harrison [Ford] and Mark [Hamill] — there was a saga that the fans loved and he never finished.”

Published at Sat, 22 Aug 2020 07:31:36 +0000


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