Sacred divorces, respectful conflicts- redefining how we can end relationships in empowering and peaceful way.


More often than not, divorces are a battleground. The separating partners threaten, argue, insult each other, and in extreme cases, can’t even stay in the same room together. The process of divorce often sets the pace for years of enmity between the separated partners. What if there was a way to divorce and still maintain a friendship with your ex? One mentor, international speaker, and tantric life coach, Riya Sokol, is redefining how we end relationships. 

About Riya Sokol

Riya Sokol is an artist, mindset mentor, international speaker, and tantric coach. She is famously known for her viral video dubbed “Thank you coronavirus.” The poem has been translated into dozens of languages worldwide and awarded at several international festivals.

Riya is also growing in popularity due to her awesome, unique, and life-changing approach to life. She leads people to create lives of their dreams, based on new rules, showing the impossible doesn’t exist. Those struggling with divorce or conflict can also benefit immensely from Riya’s coaching. 

Riya went through different conflicts in her life as well as the divorce of the dad of her two kids. They had a chance to separate in an unfriendly way and had reasons to fight. They went through a process and they saved their friendship in a very gracious way and created a beautiful relationship whereas Riya says: their family didn’t brake, it extended”. Now as he has twins with his new partner, they created a beautiful model of patchwork family, where they all are supportive to each other. “His partner is like a sister to me. Their kids are like my nieces. This is possible. Since my own experience, I guided plenty of people getting divorces or other separations- business ones too, and proved there is always a way to stay in respect and create a new chapter on new rules.” 

Helping clients going through a divorce 

She calls it sacred divorce or sacred separations, that bring even more abundance and are never about loss or lack. This is one where there’s no conflict, and the two parties can agree and even continue to be friends after the divorce. She has spectacular results and her audience is always grateful for what she helped them realize and create in their lives. 

Riya’s approach

Redefines how we perceive conflicts or any kind of closure. Her awesome content and rich experience have helped clients go through this transition without any bad blood between them and their partners. Yet there’s so much more than Riya offers clients. You can learn more by checking out her