Michael Andrew reveals his future plans, moving states, and new coach

Michael Andrew
Michael Andrew. Photo Credit: TYR Sport

Olympic gold medalist swimmer Michael Andrew revealed his future plans, which include moving states and being coached by a new coach. #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos has the recap.

“The important thing in life is not victory but combat; it is not to have vanquished but to have fought well,” said Pierre de Coubertin, French Educator who was primarily responsible for the revival of the Olympic Games in 1894. Michael Andrew is such an athlete and individual.

“I have been officially approved by the NCAA compliance, which has taken almost three months of waiting. It has been a tough mental battle back and forth for the last three months, but it is official that I will be training with coach Herbie Behm at the Arizona State University in Tempe.”

“I am currently in the process of relocating and moving out there,” he revealed. “I need to be surrounded by guys that are pushing me by splits that are keeping me accountable.”

“I am excited to share with you all that I am officially going to ASU, and I am excited about the group,” he acknowledged. “I’ve never in my life really trained with an elite group of athletes, and I think it’s going to be great.”

The entire vlog may be seen below on Michael Andrew’s YouTube channel.

We wish Michael Andrew the best of luck in his future endeavors (and on his journey to the LA 2028 Olympic Games)! He has always possessed the heart of a champion.

To learn more about Olympic swimmer Michael Andrew, follow him on Instagram, and check out his Linktree page.