Kathy Griffin In Hot Water Over Trump “Beheading”

Photo Credit: s_bukley

Chelsea Clinton and Debra Messing were among the liberal celebrities and pundits who criticized Kathy Griffin’s extreme and violent idea of anti-Donald Trump protest art: a photo of the comedian holding a fake bloody head meant to resemble the president.


Not surprisingly, many on Twitter were not pleased with the photo, including President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. He cited the photo, depicting his father’s decapitated head, as an example of what he sees as the left’s moral degeneracy and hypocrisy, especially given that his father regularly faces liberal accusations that his incendiary rhetoric against women, journalists, Muslims and immigrants has encouraged violence against those people.


Looks like Kathy Griffin is some hot water with both sides of the presidency. Whether you are a fan of Trump or not, killing a president is just no laughing matter, regardless of his political compliance .


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