Jesse Kove of ‘Cobra Kai’ talks about growing up in the film and TV industry

Jesse Kove
Jesse Kove. Photo Credit: Dan Collins

Actor Jesse Kove of “Cobra Kai” fame was recently featured on “The Donna Drake Show” on CBS New York. #Powerjournalist has the scoop.

Growing up around the film industry, Jesse Kove has allowed his love for film to grow making his mark on many TV shows and movies, such as “Cobra Kai” and “Blood Lands.”

Kove talks about being able to have opportunities to work alongside his father, the iconic Martin Kove (“Karate Kid” films and “Cobra Kai”).

Jesse Kove was interviewed by two-time Telly award-winning TV host Donna Drake, as well as Markos Papadatos about his respected career in the contemporary entertainment scene. This informed conversation may be seen below.

To learn more about Jesse Kove, follow him on Instagram and Twitter.