Interview: Rafael Schaefer finds his passion in life in fitness

Rafael Schaefer
Rafael Schaefer. Photo Courtesy of Rafael Schaefer.

Rafael Schaefer chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos being a fitness trainer and influencer in the digital age.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to Rafael Schaefer. 

On his daily inspirations as a fitness trainer, he said, “I’ve gotten used to loving this sport and lifestyle, and I want to make progress.”

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, he said, “It has pros and cons. You can benefit from it, or you can get even more distracted from it. I focus on the benefits and the pros.”

Future plans

Regarding his future plans, he shared, “Faith, family, business and fitness are the areas where I have huge goals.”

Career-defining moments

On his career-defining moments, he remarked, “When my parents get divorced, it helped me early on in my life to become independent.”

“Also, joining a gym just to get a sixpack has changed my life. And all the mistakes I made so far too. I’ve failed in four to five businesses until one paid off,” he added.

Advice for hopefuls who wish to go into fitness professionally

For people that wish to go into fitness professionally, he said, “First off, be consistent. This is the most important thing, and you can’t do the other things without this. Try to learn as much as possible, in the best case, science-based knowledge, and from experiences of other people. Or get a coach that helps you and saves you a lot of time.”

Greatest lesson learned from the fitness industry

On the greatest lesson that he learned from the fitness industry, he reflected, “That you can achieve everything with a lot of discipline. Set goals, create plans, evaluate, do adjustments and repeat.”


Regarding his definition of success, he said, “Success, to me, means to have freedom. The freedom to create your own time schedule, to not look at the prices. Being able to live anywhere in the world. Also, being healthy and believing in Jesus is success to me. Having a God-loving family as well.

For his fans and supporters, Schaefer offered the following encouraging advice: “I say this all the time. Keep going, no matter what! Think long-term.”

To learn more about Rafael Schaefer, follow him on Instagram and TikTok.