Interview: Logan Mandeville is the pride of West Virginia in the 2024 ‘Mister USA’

Logan Mandeville of West Virginia
Logan Mandeville of West Virginia. Photo Credit: Michael Downs.

Logan Mandeville chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about representing West Virginia in the 2024 “Mister USA” competition.

Bruce Lee once said: “If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” This quote applies to Logan Mandeville, who serves as the founder and lead fitness trainer of Mandeville Fitness.

Representing West Virginia

On repping West Virginia, he said, “It’s feels good to be representing West Virginia because it doesn’t have a lot of competition. It was a pretty easy pick, it feels good to be selected.”

“West Virginia is a really small place,” he admitted. “A lot of people don’t think big. I hope people here start thinking outside of the box, and not be stuck in one place, and think that that’s it. Growing up, I’ve always felt I had a bigger mindset”

“With this competition, I hope to inspire people and know that they can achieve anything that they put their mind to. You can always change, if you don’t like where you are at. Put in the work and figure it out day by day.”

Mister USA is an American beauty pageant, which is held annually, and the winner goes on to represent the United States in the Mister Universe competition. It is a celebration of culture, diversity, beauty, intelligence and empowerment. They believe in the power of young leaders to make a difference in the world. It is not solely about outer beauty; it recognizes the inner beauty and intelligence of their contestants.

The 2024 Mister USA will be held on August 11, 2024 in Hollywood. The winner of Mister USA will subsequently represent USA at “Mister Universe” on September 28, 2024 at The Biltmore in Los Angeles.

Daily motivations

Regarding his daily motivations, Mandeville said, “I am driven by just becoming a better version of myself. I care a lot too. I like to think and look into the future, and to have a family one day to give them a good future. As a businessman, I would like to build something to someday pass down to my kids.”

Future plans

On his plans for the future, he shared, “I want to keep growing my training company, and grow it into something big. I would like to get back into modeling and to travel a lot because I love traveling.”

Moments that have shaped him in his life

Mandeville went on to share several moments that have molded him in life. “I played football my whole life. I was the ‘star’ of the team. I always did good and then high school came around. I got a bad concussion, which made me quit playing,” he said.

He continued, “Once I quit playing, I lost all my friends and everything basically. Luckily, at this point, I had picked up fitness, and I started growing my brand on Instagram. My few years in high school sucked because I didn’t have any friends or anything, but that molded me into who I am today, and I don’t care what anybody else says. That was probably the biggest moment for me.”

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, he said, “It feels really good. The opportunities are endless. You can connect with people that you never imagined. You can build businesses online, and that gives you so much freedom to do what you want to do. Overall, the digital age feels great.”

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, he said, “Growth and Development, Round II.”

Favorite mottos to live by

Regarding his favorite mottos to live by, he said, “Don’t care about what anyone else thinks, do what you truly enjoy doing, and believe in yourself. Those are pretty simple ones, but they are good ones.”

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “to fly” since he would get to places faster and he wouldn’t have to wait in an airport to book planes for flights. “Flying or teleportation would do,” he said.

If he were to do any track and field event, it would be the 100 meter dash. “I did track and field and I ran the 100 meters. I would get it done fast,” he said with a sweet laugh.

Success as contentment

On his definition of the word success, he said, “Success, to me, means that you are genuinely happy every single day. Success doesn’t have to be materialistic. It is about waking up with a smile and enjoying your day.”

Message for his fans and followers

For his fans and followers, Mandeville concluded, “Thank you so much. I’ve had tons of loyal fans and followers, all of which have shown me genuine support. The fans have definitely been an integral part of my journey.”

To learn more about Logan Mandeville, follow him on Instagram.