Interview: David Torres finds his calling in fitness and helping others

Davis Torres
Davis Torres. Photo Credit: Ruben Dario

Fitness professional, coach, and social influencer David Torres chatted with #Powerjournalist about finding his calling in fitness and helping others.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This wise quotation applies to David Torres.

On his journey in the fitness world, he said, “I started when I was 14 years old, at a time when I was so lost, and I lost so much time trying to do the things right. Looking back, it is all about having a balance in life, and having a better relationship with food and everything. My motivation is helping others and knowing that other people are lost and need help, and I am happy to help them.”

The digital age

Torres opened up about being a fitness professional in the digital age, at a time when streaming, social media, and technology have been so prevalent. “It has been good,” he admitted. “It gives me the options and accessibility to help people around the world. I can do workouts via Facetime and I can send diets and nutrition tips to people in other countries. Social media is a tool to reach more people and help them to feel better with themselves, more confident and stronger,” he said.

Regarding his future plans, Torres said, “To keep learning about life, not just about my profession, to keep learning about myself and to keep creating tools to help more people. We need to create a balance in every single aspect of our lives. We need to try to find that balance. I work a lot on myself, I meditate and I try to be a better human for me to help others.”

Torres added that he is also trying to help people holistically, from a mental and spiritual standpoint, in addition to just a physical standpoint.

He is a firm believer that adversity makes us stronger. “My whole life has been a puzzle and I am so grateful for every single thing I believe in,” he said. “I’m from Colombia and I have an accent, I came here seven years ago by myself, and that helped me build my character and it made me stronger and resilient.”

In his personal life, he suffered a great deal of loss, losing both of his brothers, one due to a suicide and another due to heart attack respectively. “That helped me understand about life, as well as appreciation, love, and gratitude,” he explained. “All of these experiences humanized me and made me more human.”

“With my workouts, I teach people that they can accomplish anything that they put their mind to,” he said. “I help them feel better about themselves. I want to be there for people.”

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Torres said, “Looking Good without losing the Balance.” “Balance is absolutely everything,” he acknowledged. “If we don’t put everything in balance, we will get sick. It’s all about having healthy thoughts, a healthy life, and healthy feelings. Balance for me is everything.”

For Torres, the word success is equivalent to happiness and contentment in life. “Being successful is what we came into this world to do, and that’s to be happy.”

Rapid Fire Questions

Waffles or pancakes? Waffles

Flying or driving? Flying

City living or country living? City living

Summer or winter? Winter

Library or museum? Museum

Bath or shower? Shower

Pepsi or Coke? Neither

Texting or calling? Calling

Half-full or half-empty? Half-empty

Skydiving or scuba diving? Scuba diving, I love water

Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Outdoor pool

Tea or coffee? Tea

Rain or snow? Rain

Singing or dancing? Dancing, I’m from Colombia

Burgers or tacos? Burgers

Long course or short course pool? Long course pool

Money or fame? Fame

To learn more about David Torres, follow him on Instagram.