How Surrounding Yourself With the Right People Can Help You Grow


No man is an island. This saying is timely and applicable for any individual and context. No matter what a person does or where he or she comes from, there is no flourishing without the help of others. That is why Britney Gooch, a published author, successful entrepreneur with mental health clinics, speaker, philanthropist, and personal development coach, highlights the importance of having a strong support system to combat life’s challenges. 

Britney Gooch

Britney Gooch is a significant individual in the field of mental health, having worked with various organizations and heading several mental health clinics with adolescents and adults. She attended Fresno State University and Fresno City College, where she received her bachelor’s and associate degrees in psychology. Growing up, she dreamt of becoming a pediatrician or child psychologist, but due to personal circumstances, this dream was set aside. After overcoming her demons and accepting herself fully—with the good and the bad—she found a way to help others, especially those in most need. 

She reignited her passion to serve others by working and advocating for mental health with federally qualified health clinics. She found a partner who is a grant writer and secured their first grant that amounts to $2.5 million. Starting with only three employees, they have now grown their team to 60 people and expanded their operations in several areas of town and educational institutions. In their clinics, clients can receive services through the grant with only being charged a nominal fee, meaning only a small amount is paid by the client to access various licensed doctors who can cater to their needs. 

Personal Experiences

In psychology, practitioners are trained to handle people with thorough understanding and compassion. After experiencing the harsh realities of life, Britney was able to apply what she has learned from school to persevere and allow others to emulate her greatest success: transforming from powerless to powerful. 

Britney married at the age of 22, only to get divorced at 23 after discovering the infidelity of her partner. She also experienced the cruelty of having her vulnerability used against her when a trusted friend took advantage of her. As a result, she stumbled into a rabbit hole filled with agony, guilt, and depression; but her experiences helped her in her mission to increase the awareness of the importance of mental health and allowed her to be relatable to the people she encounters. 

She finally stopped running from her calling and focused on purpose: to serve and help. Things finally fell into place and aligned with the right people. She learned the ropes of mental health and ever since she has made great progress and contributions in the field. An important point she wants to highlight is that having mental health obstacles is not the end; the goal is to achieve peace and not arrive at a state where you are in pieces.

At present, Britney is engaged for the third time and looking forward to building her own family. She aspires to continue to grow her businesses, reach more people, and leave an impact. Since she is very intentional in her craft, she makes sure to maintain authenticity; she never believed that you can help someone with a lie. Although she has experienced numerous difficulties in life, with certain things she is not proud of committing, she keeps in mind that these do not negate who she is and cannot stop her from moving forward. She owes her healing and many of her great feats to the people who uplifted her and supported her in her most vulnerable times.


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