EXCLUSIVE: Natasha Hamilton I Can’t Wait To Spend Christmas With You – New video


    Pop superstar Natasha flexes some seriously sensational vocals on her new Xmas single, along with the UK’s finest boogie-woogie and Blues sensation Tom. Watch the video exclusively here this weekend – plus another cheeky video that peeks behind the scenes of the pair recording their new track. To get us all in the mood, we also chatted with Natasha about everything Christmas, including her secret seasonal talent and a very special superstar guest.

    What inspired this new Xmas single?
    The track was put together by new jazz wonder-kid on the block, Tom Seals, who I met a couple of years ago at the Boisdale Music Awards (where I received the award of ‘Best Female Singer of the Year’). We got on SO well and became instant friends.

    Tom called me a few weeks back to say he had this fantastic Christmas song, that was very apt to what we’d all been going through this year. I was very intrigued and couldn’t wait to hear it. Luckily it was a great track and I couldn’t wait to vocal it. The sentiment of the song is exactly what we’re all thinking.

    READ MORE: Guess how much Xmas songs earn? Mariah, Slade & The Pogue make MILLIONS

    What is your craziest Christmas memory ever?
    We once had Henry Winkler a.k.a. the Fonz over for Christmas dinner! I was doing a pantomime with him, he was Captain Hook and I was Peter Pan.

    The face on my parents when Henry Winkler walked in the front door on Christmas Day was an absolute treat.

    He was the most wonderful and kindest man, he even bought presents for everyone in my family. We had the best Christmas day, talking about his memories of being an actor growing up in New York and he learnt all about the Hamilton family.

    What are your family Christmas traditions?
    The Hamilton house tradition was always to go and watch a pantomime on Christmas Eve. We’d then come home feeling really festive and would pull on our Christmas pyjamas, and put out all the treats for Santa and the reindeer.


    After this crazy year, what does Xmas mean to you in 2020? 
    For me, this year is all about enjoying time with loved ones. Not even watching TV, just spending quality time together laughing and reminiscing and playing lots of different games.

    How do you express the ‘spirit’ of Christmas with your children? 
    The spirit of Christmas is always about reflection and also giving back. This year along with the charity Milestone Mums, I will be helping feed 200 families across the north-west. They will receive a Christmas hamper that will have a full Christmas dinner inside Christmas pudding and a gift on top.


    Do you have any Xmas wishes that haven’t come true yet?
    Oh when I was young, I just always wanted to actually meet Santa in our house on Christmas Eve.  I’d always been brought up to say ‘thank you’ for presents given to me, and I just wanted to meet the big man himself to say thank you and to ask if actually ate mince pies at every house that he went to. 

    Every year I begged mum and dad to let me stay up, as a special treat.  They always agreed, but I never seemed to stay awake long enough. Would be great to meet Santa face-to-face though, wouldn’t it!

    And finally, are there plans for an Atomic Kitten reunion in 2021 for the 20th anniversary of Whole Again?
    No. But myself and Liz will definitely be gigging in the summer, fingers crossed…

    Natasha Hamilton & Tom Seals: ‘I Can’t Wait To Spend Christmas With You’ is out now

    Published at Fri, 04 Dec 2020 15:55:00 +0000

    EXCLUSIVE: Natasha Hamilton I Can’t Wait To Spend Christmas With You – New video


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