Improve The Way You Do Business Through David Waldy’s Philosophy


Business success is primarily determined by how well you execute effective sales and marketing strategy to attract clients. For your business to thrive, you must prioritize your clients’ needs. If your business isn’t focused on creating immense value for your clients, the future of your business  is in jeopardy. From the very first interaction, how you conduct business and interact with your clients will be the determining factor between long term success or imminent failure.  As a speaker and coach, David Waldy uses a proven philosophy he calls “Fierce Empathy” to create opportunities for transformation in his clients as well as in sharing powerful and engaging moments with audiences who hear him speak.

About David Waldy

David grew up in the country outside Topeka, Kansas. His dad was a veterinarian and his mom was a teacher. He developed an appreciation for hard work at a young age and excelled in school. Stunningly, David turned down a full-ride academic scholarship to pursue self-education through mentorships and internships. 

He attended a two-year program called South Carolina School of Leadership and then attended college for a semester before dropping out. David had always questioned the return on investment in higher education and believed he was called to a different path. Instead he chose to pursue specialized training in leadership development, pastoral ministry, interpersonal communication, behavioral psychology, sales, marketing, and business systems as he started building a career in sales.

Professional Highlights

David’s professional journey began in the corporate world. Within five years, he climbed up the ladder in a transportation and relocation company in the US. He became a top 1% sales producer in this $400M per year business, which caught the attention of leadership at both the franchise and corporate level. Soon after, he transitioned to a senior management role, where he began to provide coaching and training to higher-performing sales teams across the east coast.

Within a year, David began to feel burnt out, often working 60-80 hours a week overseeing teams responsible for sales, marketing, and logistics. Incredibly, he personally generated millions and millions of dollars in revenue, which caused him to start to recognize his unique methods and capabilities. His approach to sales and marketing was much more client-focused and he continued to tailor his approach based on the feedback he received from clients who regularly called asking to work with him. In time, he began to create a framework and methodology he would later name, “Fierce Empathy.”

Two years before leaving the company, David began to immerse himself into online business. After taking a number of online courses and training programs he began testing his ideas and developing various business plans. He quickly realized that he had a skills-gap in the online space so he dedicated himself to months of learning as he developed his understanding of social media, online marketing, and business systems. Eventually he began working the midnight hours laying the foundations to build his own private coaching practice. This new entrepreneurial endeavor was thanks in large part to one of his friends who happened to be an executive coach. She helped him realize he had an incredible gift in his approach to sales and marketing and convinced him that it needed to be shared outside his current role.

After quitting his job, David would go on to start another business called Generation Impact Consulting with two friends he met after being selected to join a speaking team for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Shortly thereafter, their company was contracted to help train and develop high level programs for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s company. Generation Impact Consulting helps entrepreneurs and business owners develop their own businesses by equipping them with training, programs, coaching, and consulting oriented around online sales and marketing strategies.

David Waldy’s Philosophy

David practices and lives a methodology and philosophy called “Fierce Empathy”. David explains “Fierce Empathy” as having a sincere interest in another individual and doing everything within your power to remove your filters and preconceptions about who they are so you can create powerful exchanges. It allows you to see others as individuals beyond what the surface presents. “Fierce Empathy” allows David to create dynamic interactions where he asks the challenging questions no one else is willing to ask or that others haven’t asked themselves.

According to him, the best way to practice “Fierce Empathy” is to genuinely love a person for who they are by working to understand the person underneath. He believes that people often present a public persona or version of themselves that often isn’t the truest version of who they are. David believes that loving someone well, does not mean you don’t ask tough questions, but instead, choose to ask questions that will enable you to have a deeper understanding of them so you can establish rapport and be in a position to support or help them. This philosophy of “Fierce Empathy” is strategic, empowering, often uncomfortable, and always intentional. David has proven it to be highly effective. 

David believes the transformation comes through creating powerful experiences, intentional communication, and asking the difficult questions. He says that when people feel seen, heard, and understood, it creates an opportunity of limitless potential. David works hard to connect with people by doing everything within his power to see the world the way they do and understand more about why they think the way they do.


With “Fierce Empathy”, you can best connect with your clients and establish the trust and rapport necessary to build your credibility and establish your brand authority. If you’re serious about growing your business, you will find that practicing David Waldy’s “Fierce Empathy” philosophy to be incredibly useful in your sales and marketing. You can reach out to David Waldy by 





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