Chatting with Trey Cunningham: American hurdler

Trey Cunningham
Trey Cunningham. Photo Courtesy of Trey Cunningham.

American hurdler Trey Cunningham chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos following his race at The Armory in New York as part of the 116th Millrose Games.

Trey Cunningham runs the 60 meter hurdles and the 110 meter hurdles. He is coached by Matthew Kane.

On being at the Nike Track & Field Center at The Armory, he said, “I love New York, it is one of my favorite places to race. Although this was one of my worst races I’ve ever had in New York, it is still one of my favorite tracks. I didn’t race the way I wanted to today, but you may some bad days here and then.”

Regarding his daily motivations as an athlete, he said, “While the hurdles are not an enjoyable sport, I love putting myself at solid objects at a high-rated speed, and that’s hurdling.”

On his plans for the future, Cunningham said, “Albuquerque, New Mexico is up next for the 2024 indoor Championships, and then, onto outdoors. Paris is definitely in the future as well.”

For young and aspiring athletes, Cunningham said, “Be who you are. Stay true to yourself; be authentic. That’s my advice.”

“I used to want to be a 400 meter runner when I was little,” he admitted. “I came to find out that I am not a 400 meter runner… it hurts too much, I don’t like to hurt, so I don’t do it,” he said with a sweet laugh.

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Cunningham said, “Redemption.”

Regarding his definition of the word success, he noted that he equates success to “gratification.”

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “to fly.” “I think flying is great,” he said.

For his fans and supporters, Cunningham said, “Thank you. I know I’ve had some people follow me since high school. It is cool when people reach out to me and tell me that they have been following me since my high school days. I appreciate the fans; it takes a village.”

Aside from being a track and field athlete, Cunningham is also a model for Ford Models.

To learn more about Trey Cunningham, follow him on Instagram.