Chatting with Alek Maximus: Top 5 ‘Mister USA’ finalist

Alek Maximus
Alek Maximus. Photo Credit: Drew McVey

Alek Maximus chatted about his 2024 Mister USA experience, where he was a Top 5 finalist (and fourth runner-up). He represented the state of South Carolina.

Albert Einstein once said: “Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.” This quote applies to Alek Maximus, 23.

2024 Mister USA

The finals were held on August 31st at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Mister USA is a celebration of culture, diversity, beauty, intelligence and empowerment. They believe in the power of young leaders to make a difference in the world. It is not solely about outer beauty; it recognizes the inner beauty and intelligence of their contestants.

On making the Top 5, Maximus said, “It felt amazing. I am humbled by it. The Top 5 was very competitive. I wasn’t so sure about making the Top 5. I thought anything can happen because everyone is so talented, and hard-working. Everyone looked amazing on stage.”

“Standing on that stage in the Top 5 was a huge defining moment for me,” he said. “It showed me that I have enough courage and enough vulnerability and curiosity to do it. That was a defining moment, for sure.”

Lessons learned from this journey

“This journey taught me that I have character and that I have balls,” he said with a sweet laugh. “Also, it taught me that I can overcome a lot of challenges and get myself out of my comfort zone.”

Favorite part of the ‘Mister USA’ experience

On his favorite part of the Mister USA experience, he revealed, “Meeting the contestants, hearing their stories, and connecting with them. Also, touring LA with everybody and getting to know the Mister USA team.”

Meeting Tiffany Haddish

Maximus enjoyed meeting Tiffany Haddish at her comedy show performance. “It felt awesome,” he said. “The energy was very strong in the room. It was hard to stop laughing, my cheeks were pretty numb by the end of the show.”

“Actually, I was the only guy that didn’t get roasted,” he said with a chuckle. “All of the comedians on that lineup were awesome. It was a hot show.”

Advice for hopefuls who wish to enter in pageants in the future

For hopefuls that wish to go into the pageantry world, he said, “Be yourself, stick to your faith and to your values. Share your story; don’t try to be somebody that you are not. Have fun and have a blast. Enjoy the experience, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Stay disciplined every day.”

Best advice he was ever given

Maximus shared that the best advice that he has ever been given comes straight from the Bible… from the Book of Psalms and the Book of Proverbs. “There is so much wisdom is those two books,” he said.


Regarding his definition of the word success, Maximus said, “Success means to be persistent at what you do and what you are passionate about and making a difference in a positive way. Touching people’s hearts and impacting them in a positive way.”

Fans and supporters

For fans and supporters, Maximus expressed, “Thank you for the support. I loved that you came out to watch the Livestream and the people that made it to the show in person.”

“Thank you for following my journey, and I hope to keep on inspiring you to chase your dreams. If I can help you, I would love to help you out,” he concluded.

For more information on Alek Maximus, follow him on Instagram.