Catching up with AGT alum Nathan Tsuji of Positive Impact Movement

Nathan Tsuji
Nathan Tsuji. Photo Credit: Nicholas Freeman

“America’s Got Talent” alum Nathan Tsuji of Positive Impact Movement took some time off from his training at the Las Vegas Circus Center to catch up with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors.

“After ‘America’s Got Talent,’ my life has been a whirlwind,” he admitted. “We have toured Europe, we got a golden buzzer on ‘Georgia’s Got Talent’ and we were semi-finalists at ‘France’s Got Talent.’ We also got to do the ‘Ellen’ show, which was a bucket list for James, and that was incredibly exciting. Obviously, pre-pandemic I did gymnastics for two decades. Since then, I have just really come into my own and figured out a lot of who Nathan is outside of circus and acrobatics.”


On his daily motivations, he said, “I’ve always been inspired to test the limits of human potential. The quote I live by is know your limits but never accept them. Basically, what that boils down to is know your limits so that you don’t get hurt.”

“What I want to do is find the people that aren’t already moving,” he said. “Through my Instagram and my social media and through my performances, I am trying to reach out and find people that aren’t moving. I want to find them, reach them, and inspire them. Those are the people that need help, and we can elicit massive change in.”

“While what I do is crazy, not everybody needs to work out three, four, five, or six hours a day. 10 to 15 minutes a day is all one needs for basic beginner level increase of fitness. Those are the people I am trying to reach. I want to find them in their home and tell them ‘this is where you start’ and from there, they can go anywhere. I always knew I wanted to help and inspire people. That’s the passion that I found post-pandemic,” he added.

Three-day festival in Las Vegas in April

Tsuji revealed that Positive Impact Movement is throwing a three-day movement festival in Las Vegas Circus Center from April 21 to 23. “We are trying to throw a 500-person festival, to have everyone come in from all walks of life all over the United States, to introduce people to acrobatics, movement, stretching, tumbling, and other things. Our goal is to inspire people to start moving. That is what we are working on right now, and it is really exciting,” he said.

Nathan Tsuji
Nathan Tsuji. Photo Credit: Nicholas Freeman

Nathan Tsuji: A man on a mission

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Tsuji said, “Almost There.” “I am on a path where I feel completely fulfilled at certain points during the day, and other points, I feel like I am not quite there. I know my path and I know where I want to end up… I know how it’s going to feel and what I am going to be doing,” he explained.

“I know that performing is in my future, and I know that social media and reaching out to people is also in my future. My mission is to inspire people to live healthier and happier lives. I am going to find a way to combine all three of those to make it super successful and reach as many people as possible,” he said.

“I turn 28 tomorrow. I am very safe, secure, and driven-focused in that path. I know exactly where I am going but I haven’t decided which route I am going to take to get there,” he added.

Nathan Tsuji
Nathan Tsuji. Photo Credit: Nicholas Freeman

Future goals

In the future, Tsuji noted that he would love to use movement to help people recover from addiction. “That’s something I would eventually like to start working with… there is nothing more addicting than a handstand, except the addiction is healthy,” he said.

“Some people are naturally more talented than you in certain areas. If you are constantly comparing yourself to other people, you will never be happy,” he acknowledged.

He hopes to help people achieve that through his fitness app by clicking here. “I think I am onto something here and I am really excited to push it in the next coming years,” he said.


On his definition of the word success, Tsuji said, “Success is living the life you love. Success is being able to go to sleep each night okay with yourself. Honestly, I am at a point in my life where I am really happy with 80 percent of the things that I do. Not being happy with the other 20 percent and how I deal with that is the big improvement that I’ve made.”


For his fans and supporters, Tsuji said, “In my social media, I want people what my life truly is, whether it is really great or when I am falling apart. That is really important so that each person watching me knows that I have struggles and pain as well. I don’t portray someone that is ‘never sad’ and if I can help one person in those Livestreams that I do that tells me that ‘they needed to help that,’ then that’s a success. I have made that person’s life a little better.”

“I have two amazing sponsors, which includes Barbell apparel, which does all of my clothing. The only reason I have sponsors, and the only reason why my entire life is working is because all of the people that have chosen to follow me and they engage with me. I am so humbled by the fans, and I wake up grateful every single day as a result. The more people look up to you, the more humble you should be,” he said.

“Success, for me, would be making my mom proud,” he said. “My late mom was a special ed teacher and she devoted so much of her time to tutoring and teaching kids, even when she has Stage IV cancer. Her mission in life was to help people and help people through her learning disabilities. My mom felt that’s what she was placed on this earth to do.”

“I respect all of my fans and I do my best to respond to all of them. I want to acknowledged them and that’s why I do the Livestreams, to connect with as many people as I can and talk to everyone. It is so exciting,” he added.

Rapid Fire Questions

Waffles or pancakes? Waffles (Belgian)
Flying or driving? Flying
City living or country living? City living
Summer or winter? Summer
Library or museum? Museum (if its interactive)
Bath or shower? Shower
Pepsi or Coke? Neither
Texting or calling? Calling
Half-full or half-empty? Half-full
Curly fries or normal fries? Accidental curly fries
Skydiving or scuba diving? Skydiving
Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Outdoor pool
Tea or coffee? Tea
Rain or snow? Snow
Singing or dancing? If I’m driving singing, if I’m in public dancing                                                Burgers or tacos? Tacos
Long course or short course? Long course
Money or fame? It depends, whichever allows me to impact people in a better way… I would probably go with money

To learn more about Nathan Tsuji, follow him on Instagram.