Actor Andrew Gray celebrates his 36th birthday

Andrew Gray
Andrew Gray. Photo Courtesy of Andrew Gray

Actor Andrew Gray (“Power Rangers: Megaforce” and “Bling Empire”) just celebrated his 36th birthday. #Powerjournalist has the scoop.

“Thank you God for another day above ground,” he posted on Instagram. Without you I am nothing. I know I’ve been blessed by you, favored by you, and also by the devil. I choose you Lord of lords. You brought me into this world and I go home with you. Thank you for taking me to the dance, It’s been a privilege thus far, and an honor to serve you. Discipleship.”

Gray continued, “You’ve blessed me with fire, melted me down, forged me, and renewed me many many times. Generously, you have given me the opportunity to be on main stage. Even when attacked you have kept me rolling with the punches. Placing me with the right people and taking me away from deceivers. I will never stop spreading the message of Christ. Thank you, lord. Thank you.”

“Simply grateful to be alive. Grateful for all my supporters. I love each and everyone of you. Birds of a feather flock together, let’s fly. Romans 8:31,” Gray exclaimed.

Gray is a firm believer that it is the adverse times that build character. “Have you ever heard that hard times build strong men and that easy comfortable times build week men? Fear will tell you this isn’t for you. Here’s the deal. Everyone feels fear. You have to move through it. There is no other way. Make fear work to your advantage. Be equipped for harder times. Hard times build strong men, easy times build weak men,” he explained.

Gray also serves as the founder of Knight Owls Studio.

To learn more about actor Andrew Gray, check out his Linktree page.