How Kentucky Is Actively Addressing Adult Learners

adult learners

In Kentucky, a staggering 1.4 million adults lack a postsecondary credential, which encompasses education beyond high school, such as college and trade schools. Of these, 66%—approximately 928,000 individuals—have never enrolled in college, while 33% (about 464,000) have some college credits but no degree. This educational gap is particularly alarming as Kentucky is among the top 10 states with the highest job vacancy rates. Furthermore, 52% of those living below the poverty line have not completed high school or attended college, underscoring a pressing need for educational reform.

The importance of postsecondary education cannot be overstated; it plays a crucial role in bridging workforce gaps and ensuring livable wages. By 2031, an estimated 63% of jobs in Kentucky will require some form of postsecondary education. Individuals who hold a degree typically earn around $40,000 more annually than their counterparts without one. Despite these benefits, many adults face significant barriers to pursuing further education.

Financial constraints pose a major challenge, with around 50% of adult students relying on Pell Grants. Even with this assistance, many struggle with unmet financial needs, averaging $9,359 for public university students. Additionally, nearly half of adult learners are parents, contending with a lack of affordable childcare; in 2023, the average annual cost of childcare in Kentucky was roughly $6,411.

Work commitments add another layer of complexity, as three out of five full-time adult learners are also employed. These factors contribute to the reality that adult learners are four times less likely to complete their postsecondary education compared to traditional students.

To address these challenges, Kentucky has implemented several initiatives, including the Adult Learner Community of Practice and the Professional Development Exchange, designed to support adult students. By tackling these barriers and utilizing community resources, Kentucky can empower more adults to attain postsecondary credentials, ultimately improving economic outcomes for individuals and the state.

Pathways to Prosperity for Kentucky Adults
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative