Chase Roback talks about representing Nevada in Mister USA, and being a part of Chippendales

Chase Roback
Chase Roback. Photo Courtesy of Chase Roback.

Chase Roback chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about representing Nevada in the 2024 Mister USA competition and being a part of the Chippendales.

Mister USA is an American beauty pageant, which is held annually, and the winner goes on to represent the United States in the Mister Universe competition. It is a celebration of culture, diversity, beauty, intelligence and empowerment. They believe in the power of young leaders to make a difference in the world. It is not solely about outer beauty; it recognizes the inner beauty and intelligence of their contestants.

This pageant will be held on August 11, 2024 in Hollywood. The winner of Mister USA will subsequently represent USA at “Mister Universe” on September 28, 2024 at The Biltmore in Los Angeles.

The late “Superman” actor Christopher Reeve once said: “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” This quote applies to Chase Roback.

Repping Nevada in the 2024 Mister USA

“It feels really good to be competing and repping Nevada,” he said. “I have never done a pageant before, so I don’t know what to expect but I am excited about it. I am just going to go, and I am going to try to have the most fun out of everybody,” he said.

“Whether I win or lose is not important; all I want to do is hard the most fun,” he reiterated. “Look out! It’s going to be such a fun show. I am hyped. I think it’s going to be a really good time,” he foreshadowed.

Roback’s love for the state of Nevada

Roback is drawn to Nevada due to its rich outdoors and nature. “I am an outdoorsman, so I really enjoy hiking here,” he said. “Neveda is in the perfect area… You can drive over to Utah, California, or Arizona really quick. In a two-hour drive from here, you can be in a completely new state. There is never a dull moment here in Las Vegas.”

Future plans

On his future plans, he shared, “I just like to go with the flow and let the universe guide me in where I am going.”

Daily motivations

Regarding his daily motivations, he shared, “Personally, God motivates me every day. I am in this constant journey with God, and I am growing my relationship with Him. I try to grow closer to God each day. I wake up each day and I look forward to those opportunities; that’s what motivates me.”

Roback on the significance of his faith in his life

Roback underscored the importance of his faith in his life. “I am a very religious person,” he admitted. “I am trying to stay rooted in my faith and everything. I try to enjoy every second that I can of this life because I know that it’s not going to be around forever.”


On being a part of the Chippendales family, he exclaimed, “It has been amazing. I was dancing in Miami before I got with them, and then, I moved here. It’s a huge brand so I enjoy that about them. Being in a Las Vegas show is a really cool thing… and it’s something that a lot of people can’t say they have done.”

“Also, I love the opportunity to travel the world with the Chippendales, and perform in front of thousands of people,” he added.

Roback on Chippendales: ‘It is the most fun show one can go to’

“I think Chippendales is the most fun show that you can go to,” he admitted. “We are dancers, performers, acrobats, aerialists, and we do so many things. We have so much talent to give and we have so much talent that we show in our show.”

“I urge everyone to come and see Chippendales,” he underscored. “There is something in it for everybody. We cater to every single group. We love our audience members, and we want to make it as wonderful for them as possible. We just want the audience to have a good time.”

Paramount show on Long Island, New York

Most recently, The Chippendales performed at The Paramount in Huntington on Long Island, this past April. “As part of our touring show, we played The Paramount, and it was a fun show,” he exclaimed.

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Roback said, “Crossroads.” “I’ve been dancing for four years now (ever since my days in Miami), so now I am at a crossroads,” he said.

Adam Barabas

Roback had great words about fellow Las Vegas performer Adam Barabas. “Adam is just awesome.  the most adorable human being I’ve ever met in my life. Adam is a ball of positivity, and I love having him around. Every time I see him, I get happy, even if I am in a bad mood,” he said.

Superpower of choice

On his superpower of choice, he responded, “My special ability would be to go back in time and relive a memory from my own perspective.”

Favorite mottos to live by

His favorite motto to live by is a verse from John 3:30: “He must become greater; I must become less.” “It is about humbling yourself; you are never as important as you think you are,” he said.

Being thing about being his age

On the best thing about being his age (25), he said, “I am still young enough to where people call me a ‘kid’ but I am also old enough to do adult things, so I am right there in the middle ground… I am in the perfect age range, and I am just trying to enjoy it as much as possible.”


Regarding his definition of the word success, he said, “Success means helping so many people achieve their dreams or helping them in life. Success is when you in assist in making people’s lives better.”

Fans and supporters

For his fans and supporters, Roback said, “Thank you for sticking with me. There have been a lot of highs and lows, and I appreciate everyone’s support along the way. I wish I could meet every single one of the fans and give them a hug.”

To learn more about Chase Roback, follow him on Instagram.