Dara Tomanovich is the First Lady of Luxury Golf Line for Women. She chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about her brand Devon Halsey.
On her inspiration to star this luxury golf line, she said, “The inspiration comes from realizing I absolutely had nothing to wear. There is no ‘uniform’ in female golf, just regulations for proper attire. Patterns are not my ‘thing’ and truthfully ‘men’s golf clothing’ can be quite sleek and there was nothing remotely close out there to ‘match’ that for women. I did a lot of ‘due diligence’ and created a binder full of name brands for women (mostly designed by men) that had ‘material/ textiles’ manufactured that were quite poor as well as ‘fit’ issues… nothing for my body type.”
“I was playing golf everyday over covid and I observed, asked pro shops and realized that e-commerce was booming so I came up with the idea of creating the first ever Women’s Lux Golf/ Lifestyle Brand curated from the vendors that supply Greyson & Bogner (top brands for men) and voila… Devon Halsey was born,” she elaborated.
“I am the founder and CEO of Devon Halsey,” she said. “My background in fashion began with a mom that sews, knits and crochet clothes for me my entire life and a father that was an immaculate dresser. I have been a model/actor for 25 years selling other peoples clothes and brands from Paris, London, Italy, and New York.”

On the origin of the brand name, she shared, “Devon Halsey was a name I made up while I was an actor in Hollywood 20 years ago so that people didn’t know where I lived as I was starting to get fan mail sent to my home which was concerning for my personal safety. I was a younger girl living in the Hollywood hills alone.. it was daunting so I created an alias for my mailbox.”
She continued, “I just love and have always appreciated beautiful, timeless clothing design. I felt I was ready to ‘play’ and golf seemed like a great place to start as there was a great need for the product.”
“Nothing makes me feel better than when a client says ‘thank you’ to me for creating something that is both technical & fashionable. They feel good wearing Devon Halsey… they play better golf wearing Devon Halsey as the attention now is directed towards winning,” she exclaimed.
“Modeling translates into understanding how clothes feel and move. I test my clothes so that I can move comfortably and still look good running off the greens to a lunch or meeting, she concluded.
To learn more about entrepreneur Dara Tomanovich, follow her on Instagram, and check out her website.