On the record with Josh Seiter: Reality TV’s ‘Modern Day Romeo’

Josh Seiter
Josh Seiter. Photo Courtesy of Josh Seiter

Social media influencer Josh Seiter has been dubbed as reality TV’s “Modern Day Romeo.” He spoke about his plans for the holidays, shared some insights into his love life, and addressed the ever-increasing topic of mental health.

Byron Pulsifer once said: “Imagine, dream, and believe in yourself. With determination and belief, you will be surprised at what you accomplish.” This quote applies to Josh Seiter.

“Being dubbed a modern-day Romeo is flattering,” Seiter admitted. “It’s interesting seeing all the speculation and gossip around my private romantic life. But I wouldn’t consider that label or my romantic past part of my current identity. I really try to stay grounded and find meaning through the process of my day to day mental health work on Instagram. In the end, having a purpose is what makes me happy, not labels.” 

He noted that there has been a lot of media attention around him and the women from the “Sister Wives” show. “Most of it is just speculation though,” he clarified. “I’m not dating them but I have begun seeing someone who makes me happy. Ironically, she’s also on television, but our shared interests extend far beyond that. She’s a wonderful girl and I’m looking forward to spending more time with her.”

Seiter is proud to have that he has graced the cover of his 51st romance novel, which is quite a feat.

He shared some of his plans for the Christmas holidays, which include returning back to the “Windy City” of Chicago. “My Christmas this year will be spent in Chicago with some of my closest family and friends…and my cat Oliver,” he revealed. “I’m excited to eat lots of food and watch some football. Then I’ll be traveling back to my hometown of Champaign Urbana for New Years to spend some time with my mother.”  

His New Year’s resolution for 2023 is “to become the best version of myself that I can.” “It’s easy to get in competition with other people and compare ourselves to others, but comparison really is the thief of joy. I’m fully committed to trying to become one percent better each and every day and am confident that if I do that, I’ll find success,” he said. 

When asked what he envisioned the teen version of himself doing at this stage of his life, he responded, “I think the teen version of myself saw me as a lawyer or a judge in my 30’s, but I think those visions were born from naïveté. Law doesn’t make me happy and I have no desire to spend my days inside an office researching case law at a desk. I’m very fulfilled with where I’m at in life helping people who are struggling with mental health issues. It’s not an easy path but it’s a path I’ve chosen and wasn’t forced into because of outside expectations.” 

As always, he is adamant about the importance of mental health, especially around the holidays. “If anyone reading this is struggling, I strongly encourage you to follow me on Instagram and read my posts related to my own mental health journey. You are not alone, there is a whole community of people waiting for you, and there is help,” he reassured them.

To learn more about reality TV star Josh Seiter, follow him on Instagram.