How To Turn Your $4 Starbucks Coffee Into A 6 Figure Salary


“The best investment you can make is in yourself.” This is the affirmation by one of the greatest investors of our time, Warren Buffett. It is the best investment that supersedes all other investments. It cannot be taxed, and nobody can take it away from you.


There is no argument that many people agree with this statement. But whether people accept it or not, most of them do not have the willpower to resist spending on instant gratification rather than investing in themselves.


In this fast-paced world, it is easy to spend hard-earned bucks on a cup of delicious coffee. For most people, coffee is the fuel that gets them going in the morning whether it is hot or iced.  Does our love affair with a fancy cup of expensive coffee hurt our finances?


Justin Quigley, a human capital management expert and founder of the company Fresh Talent, responded that many people are throwing away too much hard-earned money on unnecessary expenditures without realizing that these expenses add up. Quigley calculated an average person’s spending for a cup of expensive coffee. “On average, individuals spend $4 on a cup of Starbucks coffee 3 times per week which adds up to $48 per month. Thus, an average person spends a staggering $576 every year on coffee,” Quigley remarked as he explained the financial impact of ditching a $4 latte or espresso as people quench their craving for expensive caffeinated beverages.


Invest In Personal Development

Quigley noted that spending on high-priced cups of coffee only provides a short return on investment. “It only makes you feel good for a short period of time by giving a dose of caffeine to wake you up,” he added.


He continued that if a person can spend $576 a year to satisfy his/her craving for coffee, then, that person can invest more in developing themselves which will result in a long-term return on investment. He cited that studies have shown that the top 1% earners spend at least 3% of their annual salary on personal/professional development.


Personal development refers to growing in different areas that will help an individual to be a better person while professional development involves developing oneself in their role to understand the job that he or she does and how you can improve on it.


Continue To Learn

The world is continuously changing as new technologies emerge. Some skills become obsolete or become automated. Therefore, in order to keep up with the rapidly changing work environment, it is vital that individuals must learn new skills or at least upgrade their skills to remain relevant in the workplace.


As an advocate of personal growth, Quigley urged employees to invest in themselves by acquiring new skills and adding knowledge to boost their competency. As the saying goes, no one is too old to learn new tricks. “Take up professional development courses that will enhance your productivity in the workplace or learn new skills that you will need in getting a role that you have been eyeing for. Start reading books on leadership, communication, or improving relationships,” he said. 


He exclaims, “never stop learning.” Top CEOs never stop reading books and learning new skills. They populate their minds with the best book, with the best ideas, with the best idea. Investing in themselves has brought them success along with six and seven-figure earnings. “Make it a point to ditch the expensive latte or espresso and divert that amount to invest in your long-term personal development,” he said.


Build A Personal Development Plan

Quigley remarked that individuals can adopt a personal development plan. It is a plan that allows an individual to establish where you’re currently at and where you want to go. This answers the questions: “what do I want to achieve” or “where do I want to go.” It allows an individual to outline their medium or long-term goals, identifying the required skills, knowledge or competence, and selecting the appropriate development activities to meet those perceived needs.


“Identify what areas you should focus on. Then, determine the strengths and the skills that are already relevant to your dream. Make a list of skills you need to develop and projects you can start working on to move you closer to your goals. After having a clear direction, get down to specific actions for the future,” he continued.



“To be successful and to get that highly-coveted six or seven-figure salary, you have to commit yourself to lifelong learning,” Quigley noted with a tone of conviction in his voice. He continued that he has been working with many organizations around the country and has presented to large audiences to help plant seeds to commit themselves to personal growth in order to be successful. This is the value being taught by Quigley’s Fresh Talent, a company that specializes in human capital management. “The more you learn, the more you earn,” this is the parting words of Quigley quoting the words of billionaire Warren Buffett. 


To learn more about Justin Quigley and Fresh Talent, please visit their website at or send a message at


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