4 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Malacka Reed EL


Malacka is a popular and successful entrepreneur who runs multiple other tasks within the beauty industry. Besides selling clothes online, she is also a stylist. This champion owns a prominent online boutique and showroom where she operates. Additionally, Malacka is an author with a clear focus. She has written her first book, “I’m Ready For My Close Up,“ with the second book coming soon and complete during the holiday. This lady is also a  motivational speaker and a hired host. 

Following the personal life of Malacka, business life, social life, and her background story, entrepreneurs can learn a lot of valuable lessons. The following are the top 4 lessons startup entrepreneurs can capture to crush it in business.

1. The Crucial Role Of Popularity In Business

Popularity is the condition of being admired or being supported and liked by many people. Malacka is popular among many people, and this has continued to help her rise in the business world. She has been popular since a young age. This influencer is occasionally hired to host different shows and concerts. Incredibly, people call her before social media to do events, fashion shows, and to hold bridal baby showers. Through doing these events, this woman earns a lot of money. Therefore, popularity is power. Entrepreneurs need to yearn for popularity to crush it in business.

2. The Shifting Technique In Business

Shifting from one business to another is another lesson entrepreneurs should learn from Malacka. In shifting, this champion considered the best alternative. Action is not jumping from one company to another. Instead, it is a technique of identifying the best earning and then moving towards it comfortably. For example, this phenomenal entrepreneur shifted from the cosmetic and makeup line of business to selling clothes. The main reason she went was that selling clothes was easy and earning good money. Entrepreneurs should remain wise in making choices and in changing from business to business. Likewise, they should remain flexible to embrace favorable changes. 

3. The Power Of Time Consciousness

Whoever mentioned that time is money must have been full of wisdom. In business, money is the central goal of every entrepreneur. Therefore, time must be a pillar guiding each entrepreneur in the industry. Malacka utilizes her time in the best way possible. Time consciousness has been the secret behind her successful endeavors and missions. For instance, it took her literally no time to create her makeup line. This lady of substance did not waste any time since she was aware of laboratories that make the makeups. She figured out the one she wanted and went straight to pick the materials. It must be shocking that she blew up within 30days. Entrepreneurs should therefore embrace time consciousness and see how magical they will achieve their dreams.

4. The Central Benefit Of Diversification

Entrepreneurs should not rely on one activity. Nevertheless, they should stretch to the end of their capabilities. Malacka has not specialized in any line of business. Instead, she does everything to her potential. Luckily enough, she is making it almost all around. This entrepreneur earns from numerous sources such as selling clothes, hosting, motivational speaking, and other tasks.


Summing up the above lessons will lead to success with no fear of contradiction. These lessons are like tools of opportunity and a ladder to the top. Therefore, entrepreneurs can take the earliest opportunity to grab and embrace these pillars to succeed in business.

For more tips, you can connect to Malacka here. 


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